The Beginning

In the autumn of 2017, the KeyLabs crew found themselves drawn into a new hobby, that of the crazy world of mechanical keyboards, and everything surrounding it. It wasn't long before an idea was born: let's make our own artisan keycaps.

We juggled a few ideas around before landing on a decent first sculpt, and it was off to the races. Several sales, giveaways, and new keysets later, we find ourselves ingrained in the community we once only saw from the outside.

Draconis | Slayer

The Evolution

As the list of KeyLabs sculpts and colorways grow, we continue to try to innovate and bring unique concepts and designs to the table.

Each artisan sculpt is better than the last, and we have no plans to slow down any time soon. We hope that you'll stick with us as we make progress and grow, we've got big things planned for the future.

Thank You

To everyone that has been with us from the start, participated in our giveaways, or simply liked our Instagram posts, thank you so much! The members of this community are what motivate us to continue in the pursuit of crafting artisan keycaps, and we sincerely could not do it without you.



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