Color Splash Knobs & SA Artisan
Raffle Ends
- You are entering a KeyLabs PROTO raffle. By entering, you agree to pay a winning invoice via PayPal within 24 hours of receipt, upon winning.
- Do not submit the form multiple times or attempt to cheat the system in any way. Cheaters will be banned.
- Artisans are a hand made product, and some color variation is normal and to be expected.
- These artisan knobs are designed to pair with the Paragon keyboard, but may be compatible with other keyboards and macropads that feature a rotary encoder. Knobs are 18mm in diameter and designed for a tight screw fit to the EC11 rotary encoder. (Known compatibility with Paragon & Satisfaction75)
- Keycaps are SA R1 profile
- Expected ship date is 11/11.
What is PROTO?
PROTO is our signature line of artisan keycaps. Each cap is crafted by hand and raffled off in small batch sales - colorways are not produced again. We strive to make each colorway unique and each sale is a part of KeyLabs history.
PROTO raffles give you a chance at buying an artisan cap, but it's not guaranteed. On sale days, visit this page and fill out the form to enter the raffle. If our system picks you as a winner, you'll automatically be invoiced via PayPal.