Odyssey Neptune Deskpad


Finished with your daily surveys, you take a moment to peer over the distant horizon to the dusty landscape ahead for what seems like the countless time. Lit like small beacons of hope dotting an endless desert, the few planetary colonies evoke a sense of isolation and you feel a unifying experience with explorers of old, gazing out to new, unexplored lands. The moment passes, and you climb back into your rover, ready to head home. The rocky valley will be here tomorrow.

EU Vendor: https://keygem.store/collections/desk-mats/products/odyssey-deskmats-by-keylabs

36 in stock


Our deskpads are designed in house specifically to bring beautiful designs and color to your office or gaming setup. At 900x400mm, these deskpads will give you plenty of space for your mouse and keyboard. The rubber base will ensure the pad won’t move on your desk either! Whether you’re a gamer or looking add a splash of color to your home office, our deskpads are sure to augment any setup.

Size: 900x400mm (35.4×15.7in)

Thickness: 4mm

Material: Polyester (print) & rubber (base)

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